Not Just Ivanka and Jared, Most Trump Administration Officials Use Personal Emails for Official Business

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Betsy Devos

From Betsy Devos to Stephen Miller, 8 officials (passed and present) in the Trump Administration are using personal emails for official business according to a probe launched by the House Oversight Committee last summer. “DeVos was added to House Democrats’ personal email probe after “disturbing new revelations” about her personal email use from the Education Department’s inspector general” according to Newsweek.


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According to the new records, DeVos “withheld from the Committee information it has been seeking on a bipartisan basis over the past two years,” Cummings wrote, and requested the documents by July 29.

According to a press release, Cummings joined former Chairmen Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy, both Republicans, in requesting documents from the Department of Education. “In both instances, the Department refused to provide any of the requested information about employees who used personal email or text accounts for official business. Instead, the Department only described its policy prohibiting the use of personal accounts for official business,” the Cummings release said.