Everything You Need to Know About Voting in Minnesota

Minnesota offers online, by mail and in-person voting registration options. Here is everything you need to know to be prepared to vote in Minnesota.
Check your Minnesota voter registration status here.
You do not need to show ID to vote in Minnesota if your voter registration is current and active. If you need to update your registration or have not voted in more than four years, you will need to prove residence. Learn more about proving residency here.
Registration deadlines
Online: Tuesday, October 13 | Register online to vote in Minnesota
By mail: Received by Tuesday, October 13
Download Minnesota voter registration form (English PDF)
Download Minnesota voter registration form (Español PDF)
In person: Tuesday, November 3 | Voters can register to vote in-person until November 3 and at their polling place on Election Day, November 3. Find your polling place.
Learn about Minnesota’s Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program here
Absentee ballot deadlines
Absentee ballots must be requested by Monday, November 2. All voters in Minnesota can request an absentee ballot be mailed to them. Details here.
Download an absentee ballot application.
Absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 3.
Early Voting
The early voting period has begun in Minnesota, and it runs through Monday, November 2.
There is still time to make your voice heard. Register and vote!