Updated on Oct 22, 2024
Project 2025 is an Attack on Veterans

Donald Trump and the Republican party are pushing a plan to cut health care for millions of veterans while supporting more massive tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations.
Fact Check: Donald Trump is linked to Project 2025 in several ways. Over 140 of his advisors and staff worked on the Heritage Foundation project. And Donald Trump himself told attendees at a Heritage Foundation conference, “They’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do.“
The section of the Project 2025 playbook on the military was written by Christopher Miller, who served as acting defense secretary during the last part of the Trump administration. It calls for “political control of the VA,” which every American should find chilling.
Like the rest of the playbook, the section dealing with the military and veterans’ services takes a slash-and-burn approach to dismantling the services Americans — in this case, veterans — have earned.
READ: Why Project 2025 Is So Bad for Veterans
The plan would:
- Slash funding for the VA, increasing wait times and reducing access to care.
- Further outsource veterans’ health care to private providers, fragmenting services, ballooning costs for the VA and forcing veterans to providers who may not be familiar with their specific needs.
- Cut benefits for disabled veterans by reducing the number of conditions that qualify a service member for disability status — which would affect service members who have not yet made a claim and those who have already made claims and been granted a disability rating.
- End the Housing First strategy that has successfully helped thousands of veterans avoid homelessness.
- End access to abortions and reproductive care for veterans
Donald Trump and Republicans have already proven their disdain for veterans. He visited Dover Air Force Base only four times to receive soldiers killed in the line of duty. He has called Americans killed in battle “Losers” and “Suckers.” He disregarded rules at Arlington National Cemetery to do a photo-op in which he gave a thumbs-up next to the grave of a fallen soldier. Republicans have repeatedly tried to reduce funding for the PACT Act, a Biden administration-era law that expanded health care to veterans exposed to toxic substances.
Project 2025 just puts this disdain into law.
Facts work the best when shared with friends. ..
I’m a combat veteran. Here’s why Trump’s Arlington stunt was so insulting.
Trump Stopped Going to Dover AFB To Receive Bodies After Getting Berated On First Visit, HuffPost
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’, The Atlantic
Why Project 2025 Is So Bad for Veterans, The Shepherd Express
Project 2025’s War on Veterans, Veterans’ Healthcare Policy Institute
Project 2025 would cut benefits for disabled veterans, Pennsylvania Independent
How would Project 2025 impact troops and veterans? The Military Times
Republican Project 2025 Takes Dead Aim at Veterans’ Health and Disability Benefits, Military.com
Project 2025: An Attack on Veterans, Common Defense
Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms Veterans, CAP
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