Updated on Aug 26, 2021
Unvaccinated People Make Up Over 94-99% of COVID-19 Cases

The Kaiser Family Foundation released a study showing the percentage of COVID-19 cases among vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the United States.
According to the foundation, “We therefore reviewed the websites and other official state sources for all 50 states and D.C. to see which are providing data on COVID-19 breakthrough cases, hospitalizations and deaths, how regularly, and what those data may tell us.”
The report also cites the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine COVID-19 dashboard and Healthdata.gov.
The analysis answers this question:
What percentage of COVID-19 cases are among people that are vaccinated?
Unvaccinated people make up 94-99% of COVID-19 cases.
See if your state was included in the report and where it ranks.
“In more highly vaccinated places around the world, Covid-19 spikes don’t lead to soaring hospitalization or death rates. In the United Kingdom, for example, a huge surge of cases due to the delta variant has come and gone with only small increases in hospitalizations and deaths. (And even in the UK, just 69 percent of people have gotten at least one dose, which leaves plenty of room for improvement.)”
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