Updated on Oct 14, 2022
Blake Masters Won’t Do a Damn Thing About Gun Violence

Blake Masters has made it clear. He’s going to be working for the NRA, not for the safety of Arizonians. Mass shootings in Arizona (a state with loose gun laws) are drastically on the rise but Masters has presented no plans to address it.
Blake Masters is running against Mark Kelly for the U.S. Senate. Mark Kelly’s wife, former congresswoman Gabby Giffords, was shot in 2011 by Jared Lee Loughner, a conspiracy theory believer. Just like 77% of guns used in mass shootings, Loughner legally purchased his weapon.
Promoting himself as pro-weapon, Masters is sending a clear signal to those on the far right that believes violence is strength. He’s with them.
Blake Masters Campaign Website: Screenshot.
History.com: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords injured in shooting rampage
New York Times: 77 percent of mass shooters obtained the weapons they used in their crimes through legal purchases.
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