Updated on Oct 25, 2024
Donald Trump Ignored the Fentanyl Crisis While Americans Were Dying

Once again Donald Trump's insults are just a projection of his own failures.
Trump’s Drug Enforcement Agency produced a report warning of influxes in Fentanyl coming from all around the world. The report has since been declassified, and you can read it here.
Despite that report and the warnings presented to Trump and his administration, they did NOTHING to attempt to stop fentanyl at the source. Overdose deaths went UP under Trump and are now finally plummeting.
Trump’s border policies were so mismanaged that the courts had a backlog of over 1.3 million cases when Biden came into office.
Democrats stepped in to fix the problem and gave the border and immigration courts a historic amount of funding to expedite the immigration dockets and speed up convictions of drug cartels moving drugs through the border. There is an extensive record of these swift cartel prosecutions.
While Republicans have blown a lot of hot air about the border, they haven’t done a damn thing to fix it. In fact, they actively killed a bill aimed to further strengthen it. Meanwhile, not only did Biden clean up the mess left by the incompetent Trump administration, they also managed to bring migrant encounters to historical lows this year.
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