Updated on Jan 6, 2022
More Voter Fraud Discovered and Again, it Was Trump Supporters Committing Fraud

While Trump continues to push his baseless claims about the 2020 election being rigged, thus far, most confirmed cases of voter fraud have been from Republican voters.
More fraud was reported this week as 3 residents of The Villages (a heavily conservative community in central Florida) were arrested for casting multiple votes in 2020 election.
On January 5th, a fourth resident of The Villages, Charles Franklin Barnes, arrested for allegedly casting multiple ballots.
This isn’t the first case of Trump voters committing fraud. Other examples include:
- Bruce Bartman, 70, of Marple, Pennsylvania pleaded guilty two counts of perjury and one count of unlawful voting after using his dead mother’s ballot to vote for Trump twice.
- Republican Edward Snodgrass of Ohio, who is a Porter Township trustee, has admitted to forging his dead father’s signature on an absentee ballot and then voting again as himself.
- Barry Morphew of Colorado who is suspected in his wife’s death, has been charged with voting for Trump in her name.
- Donald “Kirk” Hartle of Nevada, is the CFO of a company that hosted a Trump rally and QAnon conference. He pleaded guilty to voting twice using his dead wife’s ballot. Hartle initially claimed someone else forged his wife’s signature and the Nevada GOP echoed those lies to back up Trump’s claims that the election was stolen. Ultimately, Hartle admitted to committing the fraud himself.
- Texas Lt. Governor had to pay $25,000 voter fraud bounty to a Democratic poll worker in Ohio who reported that Ralph Holloway Thurman, a Republican, voted and then attempted to vote a second time as his son.
In each of these cases, the fraudulent voter was a Republican.
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