Updated on Sep 14, 2021
“Women know less than men…” – Larry Elder

Larry Elder, who is now trying to unseat California Governor, Gavin Newsom, did in fact say that “women knew less than men…” in an article published on May 5, 2000.
The quote comes from an article Larry contributed to the Jewish World Review wherein he said, “Women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events. Good news for Democrats, bad news for Republicans. For the less one knows, the easier the manipulation.”
He mentions (but does not link to or name) a study conducted in the early 2000’s.
He goes on to say, “For many women, the Democratic message of grow-the-government socialism works. Unhappy with your HMO? Take taxpayers’ money to make health care more “secure,” more “affordable.” Concerned about the “working poor”? Force employers to hike minimum wages. Gas prices too high? Appoint a commission to look into “price gouging.” Drug prices too high? Attack “excessive” pharmaceutical profits by imposing price controls.”
So for women that want healthcare more “affordable” or are upset about “excessive” pharmaceutical profits, Larry’s article suggests that such ill-conceived concerns are just a product of being less informed.
He closes the article with, “It takes a village — of ill-informed voters.”
This is true. Larry Elder indeed wrote and published under his name, “Women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events.”
Fact Source:
Jewish World Review
Article: Dems and the “she” vote by Larry Elder (PDF)
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