Updated on Oct 21, 2022
Crisis of Border Lies: Biden Actually Got Mexico to Pay for Border Security

This is true. On July 12, 2022, multiple news outlets reported on an agreement secured by Joe Biden for Mexico to contribute $1.5 billion to border security.
ABC Reported, “Mexico on Tuesday agreed to contribute $1.5 billion to a joint initiative with the U.S. to improve infrastructure along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a person familiar with the commitment.
The agreement came on the same day President Joe Biden hosted his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for a meeting in the Oval Office.”
Didn’t Mexico pay for a wall?
No. American taxpayers paid $2.5 billion for 455 miles of Wall (10% of that already existed but was replaced by Trump’s 30ft wall.) The money was diverted from the Pentagon’s budget and Mexico didn’t pay for any of it.
The Wall is crumbling
Like much of Donald Trump’s claims, his wall doesn’t hold water. The Guardian reported that experts had warned the Trump administration that in parts of Arizona, the wall “would need to be left open during heavy rains and flooding, to avoid collapse amid surges of tons of water carrying rocks, sediment, tree limbs and other debris.
Because of their remote locations, many of the gates would have to be manually opened and left unattended for months at a time, the Washington Post reported – potentially allowing for the easy entry into the US of smugglers and migrants.
It appears the gates were open during last week’s storms, but the wall was still no match for “historic flooding” after months of drought.”
Even with the gates left open, the wall didn’t hold up as seen in this photo from Fernando Sobrazo.

Trump’s wall can’t stop water. Photo by Fernando Sobrazo
More from the Crisis of Border Lies Series
The Crisis of Border Lies series from FactPAC looks at the claims being made by Republicans about the Southern Border.
- The Border is Not Open
- Crime is Not Up Because of Illegal Crossings
- Biden Actually Increased Funding for Border Enforcement and Immigration Processing
- Biden’s Border Security Policies Are Actually Working and Keeping Drugs Off the Streets
- Donald Trump’s Border Was Never Secure
- Biden Actually Got Mexico to Pay for Border Security
ABC News: Mexico pays $1.5 billion for border security
The Guardian: Trump’s border wall reportedly in severe disrepair in Arizona
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