Updated on Dec 4, 2022
Senator Warnock Has Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Nearly 500 Bills in the Senate

What has Senator Raphael Warnock done in the Senate?
He’s sponsored or co-sponsored 499 bills during his 2-year term.
Of those bills, he’s single-handedly sponsored 93 and cosponsored 406.
In those 93 bills, we looked at a few examples of what Warnock has been fighting for:
- Rent Relief for Americans: S.4728 – Rent Relief Act of 2022 allows a refundable tax credit through 2024 for individuals who pay rent for a principal residence that exceeds 30% of their gross income for the taxable year.
- More Benefits for Family Members of Fallen Veterans: S.4841 – Love Lives On Act of 2022 improves benefits and services for surviving spouses.
- More Affordable Electric Vehicles: S.5020 – Affordable Electric Vehicles for America Act of 2022 would modify the tax code to expand which cars qualify for tax credits.
- Easier Homeownership through Tax-Free Downpayment Savings Accounts: S.4722 – American Dream Down Payment Act of 2022 would establish qualified down payment savings programs that allow taxpayers to establish tax-free accounts to save for down payments, including closing costs, on a principal residence.
- More Housing for Service Members: S.4563 – Building More Housing for Servicemembers Act addresses the housing shortage for members of the Armed Forces.
- Saving Seniors Money on ALL Prescription Drugs: S.4011 – Capping Drug Costs for Seniors Act of 2022 caps annual out-of-pocket spending under the Medicare prescription drug benefit.
- Easier Access to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment: S.3704 – ASSIST Act awards grants to local educational agencies to increase the number of mental health and substance use disorder care providers in schools and school-based health centers.
- $35 Monthly Cap for Insulin for Everyone Regardless of Insurance Provider: S.3700 – Affordable Insulin Now Act limits cost-sharing for insulin under private health insurance and the Medicare prescription drug benefit.
Those are just the bills that have been introduced. He’s cosponsored bills that have become law which has improved our maritime infrastructure to improve supply chains, capped insulin at $35/month for Medicare participants, established Juneteenth as a Federal Holiday and much more!
Georgians have a Senator that is working hard for service members, veterans, young people trying to save for a house, and elderly citizens that are trying to stay healthy. He’s actively working to lower costs for Americans that are squeezed by profit-driven inflation, he’s voted to protect the rights of all marriages, and is fighting for women to have the right to make their own healthcare decisions.
So when someone says, “what has Senator Warnock done?” you now know what to tell them. Keep Warnock in the Senate and Working for Georgia.
Congress.gov: Raphael Warnock congressional voting record, bills sponsored, and cosponsored.
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